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MAH - New Registration
MAH - New Registration
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Step 4
A MAH Agreement must be signed by the MAH and IMVO. The MAH agreement will be prepopulated with the details entered on this form and will automatically be sent to the MAH’s nominated Authorised Signatory for electronic signature.
Details of MAH
Primary Contact for MAH
This will be the person who is responsible for the day to day communications with IMVO regarding this registration.
Primary Contact Name
Job Title
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Country Code
AFG (+93)
ALB (+355)
DZA (+213)
ASM (+1-684)
AND (+376)
AGO (+1-264)
AIA (+1-264)
ARG (+54)
AUS (+61)
AUT (+43)
AZE (+994)
BHS (+1-242)
BHR (+973)
BGD (+880)
BRB (+1-246)
BEL (+32)
BMU (+1-441)
BOL (+591)
BIH (+387)
BRA (+55)
BGR (+359)
KHM (+855)
CMR (+237)
CYM (+1-345)
CHL (+56)
CHN (+86)
COL (+57)
HRV (+385)
CUB (+53)
CYP (+357)
CZE (+420)
COD (+243)
DNK (+45)
ECU (+593)
EGY (+20)
SLV (+503)
EST (+372)
ETH (+251)
FJI (+679)
FIN (+358)
FRA (+33)
PYF (+689)
GMB (+220)
GEO (+995)
DEU (+49)
GHA (+233)
GIB (+350)
GRC (+30)
GRL (+299)
GIN (+244)
HUN (+36)
ISL (+354)
IND (+91)
IDN (+62)
IRN (+98)
IRQ (+964)
IRL (+353)
IMN (+44-1624)
ISR (+972)
ITA (+39)
CIV (+255)
JAM (+1-876)
JPN (+81)
KAZ (+7)
KEN (+254)
KWT (+965)
LVA (+371)
LBN (+961)
LBR (+231)
LBY (+218)
LTU (+370)
LUX (+352)
MAC (+853)
MKD (+389)
MDG (+261)
MWI (+265)
MYS (+60)
MDV (+960)
MLI (+223)
MLT (+356)
MRT (+222)
MUS (+230)
MEX (+52)
MDA (+373)
MCO (+377)
MNG (+976)
MNE (+382)
MSR (+1-664)
MAR (+212)
NAM (+264)
NRU (+674)
NPL (+977)
NLD (+31)
ANT (+599)
NCL (+687)
NZL (+64)
NGA (+234)
PRK (+850)
MNP (+1-670)
NOR (+47)
OMN (+968)
PAK (+92)
PLW (+680)
PSE (+970)
PAN (+507)
PNG (+657)
PRY (+595)
PER (+51)
PHL (+63)
POL (+48)
PRT (+351)
PRI (+1-787)
PRI (+1-939)
QAT (+974)
COG (+242)
ROU (+40)
RUS (+7)
RWA (+250)
LCA (+1-758)
WSM (+685)
SMR (+378)
STP (+239)
SAU (+966)
SRB (+381)
SGP (+65)
SVK (+421)
SVN (+386)
SLB (+677)
SOM (+252)
ZAF (+27)
KOR (+82)
SSD (+211)
ESP (+34)
LKA (+94)
SDN (+249)
SUR (+597)
SWZ (+268)
SWE (+46)
SYR (+963)
TWN (+886)
TZA (+255)
THA (+66)
TGO (+228)
TON (+676)
TUN (+216)
TUR (+90)
TKM (+993)
UGA (+256)
UKR (+380)
ARE (+971)
GBR (+44)
USA (+44)
URY (+598)
VAT (+379)
VEN (+58)
VNM (+84)
ESH (+212)
YEM (+967)
ZMB (+260)
ZWE (+263)
Primary Contact Phone Number
Name of MAH (full legal name)
Type of Company
(e.g. 'Limited Company')
Company Number (or equivalent)
Country in which MAH is established
Official Address
Note: The official address will be used in the MAH agreement (e.g. registered office address)
Official Address Line 1
Official Address Line 2
Official Address City/Town
Official Address County/State
Official Address Country
Official Address ZIP/Eircode/Postal Code
Is Business Address the same as Official Address?
Is Business Address the same as Official Address?
Is Business Address the same as Official Address?
Business Address Line 1
Business Address Line 2
Business Address City/Town
Business Address County/State
Business Address Country
Business Address ZIP/Eircode/Postal Code